How Automated Ads Work
SocialBot is a white-label solution built for digital agencies. We use AI to create real-time car ads in Facebook, Instagram and Google. Our platform is totally automated, involves no extra labor and is co-op eligible.
We pride ourselves on being a development arm for agencies. If you need to show a logo in the footer of a Facebook ad to be co-op eligible, we can make it happen.
Bring us your digital marketing challenges and we’ll solve them.

Our automated platform has placed $1.5M in co-op eligible Facebook and Instagram ads for automotive over the last 180 days alone.
Our platform pulls daily inventory and compares it with existing data to display current price, images, and availability. We also index multiple images of the inventory in order to support Facebook OFD campaigns.
Spend Management
Automated Ad Creation
Co-op Eligibility
Agency Admin Tool
Automated Ad Creation and Management
Set a monthly budget and our platform will automatically build ads and optimize spend across multiple ad sets for VDP traffic, lead ads, or retargeting.
We also provide automated weekly email reports that show you how each location is doing in terms of CPC, reach, and impressions segmented by body-style.